It’s MAY.
Anyone else still not sick of the JT meme that’s popping on every single one of your feeds, prompting an instant chuckle each time, for no reason?
High five.
Well, here we are. It’s MAY. We’re finally turning that long corner into Summer. And I couldn’t be happier.
And what better way to kick off the warm season with MEXICAN FOOD.
That’s right, friends. Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner, and you’re having a party. Don’t worry…I’v planned the whole menu for you – you just get started on the guest list, mmmmmk?
(And buy tequila. Lots and lots of tequila.)
Ok! Here is a round up of some of my favorite recipes to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with!
Which ones did you try? What did you think? Comment below and let me know!
Cheers friends!

Fish Tacos with Chipotle Crema

Chicken Enchiladas with Pumpkin Sauce

Baked Plantain Chips with Spicy Guacamole

Garlicky White Bean & Chicken Enchiladas

Hi Jamie,
The link to both your enchilada recipes didn’t work, can you email them to me – yummy – yummy!!!!
~ Gail
Thanks for letting me know Gail! The links should be available now 🙂 I’ll email you these recipes, too! Cheers!