Mussels with White Wine and Garlic

These Mussels with White Wine and Garlic are a flavorful way to enjoy mussels! Served with charred bread to soak up the delicious broth. Mussels for 5, Please Mussels like this hold a very special place in my heart. You see, growing up, there was a restaurant that my family always used to go to. In fact, my sister got her first job in theirRead more ->

Jameson and Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies

These Jameson and Rye Chocolate Chunk Cookies are insanely delicious! The rye flour produces a chewy texture, yet it keeps the cookies soft. The dough is sprinkled with sea salt before being baked, meaning each bite is a delectable balance of salty and sweet. And don’t forget that whiskey!  Ok. Are you ready for this? These Jameson and Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies are probably the bestRead more ->

Pumpkin and Oregano Butter Gnocchi

Gnocchi. It’s always been something that scares me a little bit. To make, at least. Put gnocchi on a menu, and I’m sure to order it. It’s so dense, yet it feels light. So simple, yet so flavorful. Not to mention how perfectly smooth their texture is. Surely, I can’t replicate it at home. WRONG. And Tieghan from Halfbaked Harvest showed  me just how toRead more ->