Cooking should be fun! My Golden Rules of Cooking offer tips and tricks to better equip you to love your time in the kitchen.
Learn To Love To Cook
In my time sharing recipes, kitchen tips & tricks, and entertaining inspiration on So Happy You Liked It, one thing has remained the same. No matter how simple I present things, some people simply do not like to cook. And genuinely, I get it! When you’re not prepared, not inspired, and aren’t confident in what you’re doing, of course it will feel like an impossible task.
However, what if you had the tools, intuition, and a set of loose rules to guide you? Do you think it would be easier for you to say, “I love cooking!”? I’m betting it would!
Below are my “Golden Rules” of cooking. These are lessons I’ve picked up in my years in the kitchen, and those that I believe will truly help you find a love for cooking.
The Golden Rules of Cooking
1. Read the recipe.
Of all the important advice out there about cooking, this by far has to be the number 1 rule of cooking: read your recipe completely before getting started. This may seem like a mundane task (especially when you’re excited dive in!), but you’ll be so thankful you took the time to do it! I don’t care to admit the amount of times I’ve utterly bombed a recipe because I didn’t add an ingredient at the right time, didn’t bring something to room temperature before using it, or realized I didn’t have all the items I needed on hand to complete the dish. Nothing is more frustrating than this! Read your recipes!

2. Mise en place.
Pronounced MEEZ ahn plahz, this is a French term that simply translates to “setting up”. Having the components of a recipe prepped and ready makes for a more enjoyable and streamlined cooking experience. How many times have you burned your sautéing minced garlic, because you were too busy prepping other ingredients? If you’re anything like me, the answer is countless. By having your ingredients already prepared in advance, you can easily add, dump, or toss in whatever ingredient comes next!

3. Use the proper cookware.
Having the right cookware is essential to having a stress-free kitchen experience. However, this is a very personal thing, too. In my articles about cookware and kitchen tools, I outline the items I suggest you have to have a well-rounded kitchen arsenal that’s ready for any cooking task. However, you may find that you simply have no need for a cake pan or a meat tenderizer: and that’s ok! Understanding what you like to make and how you like to cook will lead you to the right tools.
4. Know what your recipes need.
The more you cook, and more specifically, the more you eat what you cook, you’ll start to recognize which flavors you’re drawn to. You’ll be able to identify when a pot of soup is begging for fresh lemon juice, a vinaigrette needs more oil, or when a salad will only be complete with the addition of fresh mint. Be sure to check out my articles for the basic ingredients that can take your cooking to the next level: Spices, Herbs, Fat, Citrus, and Alliums. The goal is for you to be able to cook intuitively, straying from a recipe if that means you’ll like the end result more!
5. Clean as you go.
The mountain of dishes that can come with a day of cooking is enough to put any person (even those who love to cook!) over the edge. Especially when food is dried, stuck on, and seemingly cement-like. Pro tip: clean as you go! It sounds so simple, I know. However, it can be a tough one to remember if you’re trying to rush through a recipe, which makes it all too easy to just toss that pan with a layer of burnt crud in to the sink. Be mindful of your time, spending a few minutes here and there picking up, washing, and keeping your area cleared.
6. ...but make it easy!
To piggyback on Rule #5, cleaning can be easy when you have the right tools to do so! A few items that I have on hand that make cleaning up a cinch:
- Dish Brush
- Steel wool
- Floursack towels
- Dry pad or rack
- Washcloths
- Granite or disinfecting spray

7. Know how to properly clean your tools (and do it often!).
While a dishwasher can be an incredibly handy appliance in the kitchen, not all tools are created equal. Many quality tools and pieces of cookware should not be placed in the dishwasher, due to the high temperatures that can warp, dull, or corrode. If you’re unsure if your existing tools can go in to the dishwasher (and you no longer have the packaging it came in), a good rule of thumb is simply to hand wash it. Generally, any bamboo, wood, cutting knives, and anything cast iron should always be hand washed. Cast iron is unique in that no soap should ever come in to contact with it, as it will rust easily. Best to scrape off any food, rinse well with water, and use a paper towel to dry off.
8. Stock your pantry with the items that make up your favorite meals.
Having the components on hand for your favorite dishes means you can have tasty, tried-and-true meals at your fingertips at all times. Once again this is personal for everyone, so jot down a few of your favorite meals or dishes that you turn to time and time again, and keep their ingredients stocked. I share some tips for how to stock your pantry (as well as how to organize it!) in this article.

9. Keep your knives sharp.
In my time, I’ve been known to scold a few family and friends for using dull knives. PLEASE LISTEN UP! Sharp knives offer precision, efficiency, and ease. That said, dull knives provide the exact opposite and are blatantly dangerous to use! Coming from someone who has almost lost a finger (more than once!) when using an unsharpened knife, I am practically begging you to sharpen your knives! Arguably, a knife is a cook’s best tool in the kitchen, so be sure to keep them in their best condition at all times. You can bring them to many locations to be professionally sharpened, or else I offer a recommendation for a sharpener as well as specific knives in this article.
10. Set your kitchen up in an intuitive way.
Having like ingredients near each other means you’re never haphazardly searching for that rogue box of baking soda when you’re making chocolate chip cookies. Storing items together that are typically used together will make your time in the kitchen so much simpler. Similarly, setting your workspace up in a way that allows for an easy flow is critical. If you garbage can is on the opposite side of the kitchen, consider using a garbage bowl on the counter top. Your chopping area should be close to your stove. The most-used cookware in your kitchen should be easily accessible as opposed to stored in a hard to reach location. Make things easy on yourself!
11. Take your time.
In a world where we see chefs on TV running, sweating, and working against the clock, cooking can be an intimidating task for some. However, when you’re in the comfort of your home, mistakes should be encouraged! How else are you going to learn?
Pour your beverage of choice, slow down, take a deep breath, and be confident. Cooking should be fun! By following these Golden Rules of Cooking, this last one should be the simplest to follow.

My “So Happy In The Kitchen” series is dedicated to helping you learn to love to cook! Head on over to check out the tools and resources I offer which I hope will encourage you to get in the kitchen. Stay tuned for more educational content every month this year!
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