The Siesta Cocktail will encourage anything but rest. This simple cocktail is tart and titillating! The perfect amount of sweet and bitter, this recipe includes grapefruit juice, Campari, tequila, and lime juice. So easy, and so refreshing!
Tequila Tequila
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been waiting for a very special occasion to post this cocktail. Today is a very special occasion, you guys. It’s National Tequila Day!
Tequila: love it or hate it? I’d love to know your vote. Me? Well…depends when you ask me. I tend to have a love/hate relationship with tequila.
In an ice-cold margarita? LOVE.
In a lukewarm shot served in a dark bar at 2:30 a.m.?
Sorry. I just went and dry heaved a little.
But then there’s this weird time when, no matter how it’s served, what time of day it is…tequila is all I want to imbibe. Now, this will likely happen on a night after vodka sodas have been my jam for the majority of my evening. And then beer. And then champagne (because, duh). Are you following? Basically, after I’ve had all the drinks, tequila is the most brilliant idea.
But that’s neither here nor there because I’m giving you a very adult tequila drink. Even the name is responsible!

The Siesta Cocktail
si·es·ta /sēˈestə/
An afternoon rest or nap, especially one taken during the hottest hours of the day in a hot climate.
(Thanks, Google).
Grapefruit juice, lime juice (fresh squeezed, of course). Campari. Simple Syrup. Tequila. Which let’s be real, you’ll hardly be able to taste. Ok, maybe a littllllle bit. But you want it that way, right? You’re so dangerous.

I’ll be lazily enjoying this drink on my patio, hopefully prior to an afternoon catnap. Siestas with Siestas. Boom.
Or, you know. Dancing on tables. Because that is also a vERY common thing when tequila is thrown in the mix.
Happy Thirsty Thursday and National Tequila Day!
Want more cocktail recipes?
The Siesta
- 3/4 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
- 3/4 oz simple syrup
- 1/2 oz campari
- 1/2 oz fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
- 2 oz blanco tequila
- Lime round for garnish
- In an ice filled cocktail shaker, add lime juice, simple syrup, campari, grapefruit juice, and tequila.
- Shake until shaker is ice cold.
- Pour in to an ice filled low ball glass, garnish with lime.
- iSiesta!