Antioxidant Smoothie

This Antioxidant Smoothie is packed with feel good ingredients! Blueberries, spinach, and banana are blended to perfection and topped with other nutrient dense goodies. The perfect way to start your day! Let’s Talk About Antioxidants Such a buzzy word, antioxidants. Isn’t it? Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as aRead more ->

Gingery Carrot & Mango Smoothie

An orange smoothie in a stemmed glass surrounded by grated ginger and frozen mango and carrots

This Gingery Carrot & Mango Smoothie is an energizing way to start your day! Packed with nutrients and plenty of flavor to match, this smoothie recipe is one you’ll make on repeat! You know what I hate? And yes, I’m aware that the word “hate” is rather strong. I hate smoothies that have no flavor. Or are over sweetened. Or too watery. You too? Let’sRead more ->

Coconut Water Limeade

A glass of coconut water limeade with fresh sliced lime in the glass.

This Coconut Water Limeade is the ultimate refreshment! Tart fresh squeezed lime juice is paired with thirst-quenching coconut water in this ultimate summery beverage. Pure Refreshment Holy Hannah, it’s hot out. Spoken like a true Minnesotan, you guys. In the winter, it’s too damn cold. In the Spring, it’s too damn rainy. In the summer, it exceeds 75 degrees, and it’s too damn hot. (I’mRead more ->