Meal Prep: Healthy Meals in Minutes

A bowl of grains, roasted vegetables, and chicken drizzled with green sauce

Take the time to meal prep once, and you’ll have meals ready in minutes all week long! I share my favorite tips and healthy recipes for meal prepping.

Let’s Meal Prep

When you hear the words “meal prep”, what comes to mind?

I bet you have one of two reactions:

  1. Proudly reflect on all the delicious things you currently have prepped in your refrigerator (and take stock of the recipes you already have lined up for NEXT week).

Look, I get it! Meal prep isn’t for everyone. But let me ask you this: when you’re at your most exhausted, mentally drained, and hangriest low…how often does inspiration, energy, and excitement strike to whip up something delicious?

Um…how about never? And how easy is it to grab something quick, unhealthy, convenient, and ultimately unsatisfying? VERY.

So what do you say? Want to jump on this Meal Prep bandwagon with me?

(I’ll drag you if I have to!)

Great! Let’s go.

How To Meal Prep

Seemingly a novice concept, but an important one to touch on! When you meal prep, you want to fill your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry with:

  1. Wholesome and healthy food: The whole point of meal prepping is having healthy food within reach at all times. Take some time to think about the types of food you wish you had easier access to more often.
  2. Simple items that can be used in many ways: If you live with someone who doesn’t have similar tastes to you, this is particularly important! An example would be roasted vegetables that can be made in to a breakfast hash, toasted on a salad or in a wrap, or thrown in a soup.
  3. Items you crave – but healthy! Chocolate and I get along just fine. However, it isn’t exactly in my best interest to have ice cream, cookies, and brownies at all times – you feel me? I like prepping something healthy that satisfies my sweet tooth without the added calories (and inevitably, is processed).

“Great, thanks. But WHAT should I meal prep?”

I see your question and raise you one more: what do you like to eat? Let’s start there. More times than not, you’ll likely be able to figure out what to prep by asking yourself that simple question. You may remember a recipe you or a loved one used to make that you completely forgot about!

Now, if you’re really scratching your head over this one (“frozen chicken tenders, ramen, lasagna…”), that’s ok. Let’s get in to a few more basics before you revert back to your disdain for meal prep.


What To Meal Prep

In order to have quick, simple, nutritious meals on hands within minutes (I’m serious!), I like having a few key things prepped and on hand at all times. I’m a big supporter of BOWLS.

Bowls: a vessel holding various ingredients that once combined, result in a flavor-packed nutritious powerhouse meal. 

A literal definition 😉

What To Do

Prepare a big batch of your favorite grain, some baked or grilled protein, roasted vegetables, and a scrumptious sauce. Be sure to have some pickled items and crunchy nuts and seeds on hand as well. Make enough to last you (and those you’re feeding) throughout the week. Plan for ½ cup of grains and 3-6 ounces of meat per serving.

  1. Grain/Base: Quinoa, farro, cous cous, brown rice, cauliflower rice.
  2. Protein: Grilled chicken, roasted shrimp, shredded pork, marinated tofu.
  3. Roasted Vegetables: sweet potatoes, broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, brussels sprouts (choose your favorites, or get creative with what you have on hand!).
  4. A delicious sauce or vinaigrette: Herby Green sauce, lemon dijon vinaigrette, tzatziki, hummus.
  5. Something pickled: red onions, olives, giardineria, peppers.
  6. Seeds and nuts: sunflower seeds, hemp hearts, pistachios, cashews.

Store everything in easy to grab containers (preferably glass, so you can see what’s inside!). Store everything at the front of your fridge, so it’s the first thing you see when you open the refrigerator. That way, you’ll remember all the tasty things you have to enjoy at your finger tips!

I also find it easy to write down a meal plan based on the things I prepped, to be sure I use everything!

Delicious Meal Prep Ideas:

What are your favorite things to meal prep! Comment below!

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